Bulk Import Interface
SFTP access must be set up for a lender to use this interface.
RLS will provide the host (domain) and login credentials to use.
How It Works
A scheduled job runs each hour looking for new files to process in a pickup
directory. The status of the imports (how many succeeded, per-record failure messages) are written to an results
directory. Files finished processing will be moved to a processed
directory. The specifics are further explained below:
Home Directory Structure
Path: {environment}
Example: sandbox/import/pickup
- Maps to production environment.sandbox
- Maps to training environment.
- These are lookup files that contain available divisions, positions, and other lender-specific information. You may need to read these files to generate correct data for pickup.pickup
- Write files to this location for them to be processed.processed
- The are previously processed files from the pickup directory.results
- These are outputs from the files processed in the pickup directory.
If you are a lender with a single division, you can ignore division-related fields. Those fields are only for lenders with multiple divisions.
File Formats
CSV - Files in the CSV format are UTF-8, comma-delimited, and should follow RFC 4180 rules.
JSON - Files in the JSON format are UTF-8, and should follow ECMA-404 rules. Comments, single quotes,
, JSON Schema and other extensions are not permitted.
Examples / Testing the Process
The example provided inputs should not be used as-is to test the import process. First, customize them with your own values, especially the email addresses (see Email Values for more of an explanation).
Data and Field Length Restrictions
Please only provide RLS with new or changed records in the provided files. Sending over the entire dataset each time, especially if it is large, may result in slow import times and degraded performance. RLS may be required to delay or temporarily disable import operations if they are adversely affecting the system. Note: It is fine to provide a large data set for the initial / first import, so all the existing data is loaded into the system.
Please trim extra whitespace before sending fields. If a field is String(10) and the value is
, supply that instead of"IniTech "
.Sending data that is too long may result in truncation or failure to import record(s). The exact behavior of overly long data per field is undefined (do it at your own risk, behavior may change in future).
Each record has a mode property that indicates what operation should be performed:
"create" - Intending to make a new record. ThreadId should generally not be supplied for new records, as it is system generated on the RLS end. If a record already exists, it will typically be updated as a fallback. With that said, avoid using this mode unless you intent to actually create data in the RLS system.
"update" - Intending to update a record. If the record is not found, the update operation will fail.
"upsert" - Updates record if it exists; Otherwise, a new record is created. If you do not want to track what has already been sent to RLS, use this option when it is available.
"add" - Intending to add a relationship between different records. If the relationship already exists, it may have metadata/properties updated.
"delete" - Intending to remove a relationship. If it is not found, this typically will result in nothing happening (no error).
ThreadId Values
Unless you are using the API, you will not know what the RLS thread identifiers for records are. You should use the ExternalId
fields instead.
The exception to this is divisions, which have a lookup file to pull from.
ExternalId Values
These must be unique across broker accounts, borrowers, and employees. An employee and borrower / broker account cannot have the same External Id. If you need to, you can place a prefix before the value, if you would otherwise have conflicts from the source system sending the data.
Email Values
Per the current system design, all account-type records must have system-wide (RLS) unique email addresses. This affects Create and Update operations against Brokers, Borrowers, and Employees. Only borrowers are permitted to have a duplicate email addresses on Create operations (and that's strictly for borrowers, so if a broker is already using the email, the borrower operation will still fail).
A future system change will add more flexibility with how email addresses work, but this restriction is not removable for now.
Differences with the API
No access token is necessary, as the SFTP login credentials are used instead.
Inquiry mechanisms (get, search, etc.) do not currently exist. This interface exists for writing bulk data to RLS.
There is no support currently for uploading documents to loans, or to bulk rename existing uploads.
Lookup Files
Lookup files are updated at the same frequency that pickup files are processed.
These are provided as both CSV (.csv
) and JSON (.json
), unless otherwise stated.
- The list of available divisions for the lender. Data may change due to adjustments in Lender Management.positions
- The list of available positions for the lender. Data may change due to adjustments in Lender Management.loan_occupancies
- The list of universal (RLS) loan occupancies. Data changes very rarely.loan_purposes
- The list of universal (RLS) loan purposes. Data changes very rarely.loan_statuses
- The list of universal (RLS) loan statuses. Data changes very rarely.loan_types
- The list of universal (RLS) loan types. Data changes rarely, when new types are added.
Lookup: Divisions
Reminder: Changes to division editable names will not be immediately reflected in this file.
Field | Type | Description |
DivisionThreadId | String(32) | The unique division identifier. |
SystemName | String(64) | The system name of the division. This value does not change. |
EditableName | String(200) | The user-editable name of the division. |
Lookup: Positions
This list will only contain positions that are enabled in lender management.
Field | Type | Description |
DivisionThreadId | String(32) | The division thread identifier this position is tied to. |
Name | String(50) | Name of the position. |
Lookup: Loan Purposes
Field | Type | Description |
Id | Integer | Unique identifier. |
Name | String(50) | Name / label. |
Lookup: Loan Occupancies
Field | Type | Description |
Id | Integer | Unique identifier. |
Name | String(50) | Name / label. |
Lookup: Loan Statuses
Field | Type | Description |
Id | Integer | Unique identifier. |
Name | String(50) | Name / label. |
Lookup: Loan Types
Field | Type | Description |
Id | Integer | Unique identifier. |
Name | String(50) | Name / label. |
Pickup Files
All files start with a prefix indicating what type of data they contain. They are followed by a timestamp and file extension (e.g. borrowers.json
These files are all JSON formatted, and contain arrays of records (enclosed in []
). Example:
{ "Id": 1, "Name": "Example A" },
{ "Id": 2, "Name": "Example B" }
- Contains new or updated borrowers.brokers.json
- Contains new or updated brokers.broker_accounts.json
- Contains new or updated broker accounts.employees.json
- Contains new or updated lender employees.loans.json
- Contains new or updated loans.loan_positions.json
- Contains new, updated, or removed loan positions. This is what ties an employee and position to a loan.loan_borrowers.json
- Contains new, updated, or removed loan borrowers. This is what ties one or more borrowers to a loan.loan_brokers.json
- Contains new, updated, or removed loan brokers. This is what ties a broker to a loan.
Order of Processing
Files are not processed in alphabetical order, but by order of dependency:
These are the fields for the files mentioned above. Fields with special behavior are denoted below the tables. Some fields have a maximum length, which is included after the data type. Recommended fields are not strictly required, but should be provided when possible.
Null optional fields do not have to be supplied in the JSON, but can be.
Treat field names as case-sensitive.
Fields: Borrowers
For update operations, you can exclude fields that are not being updated.
Field | Type | Required | Description |
Mode | String(6) | Yes | "create" , "update" , or "upsert" . |
ExternalId | String(200) | Special(Id) | A unique identifier used by the lender to refer to this record. |
ThreadId | String(32) | Special(Id) | The RLS identifier used by the lender to refer to this record. |
FirstName | String(200) | No | The first name. |
LastName | String(200) | No | The last name. |
MiddleInit | String(20) | No | The middle initials. |
NameSuffix | String(50) | No | A suffix used after the name (Dr., Jr., III) |
String(200) | Recommended | The email address used by the borrower. Important: This must be unique! |
Address1 | String(200) | No | The mailing or physical address of the borrower. |
Address2 | String(200) | No | The second line of the physical/mailing address. |
City | String(100) | No | The name of the city. |
StateCode | String(2) | No | The two-letter state abbreviation. |
ZipCode | String(10) | No | The 5 digit ZIP code. |
PhonePrimary | String(10) | No | The digits of the primary phone number. |
PhoneSecondary | String(10) | No | The digits of the secondary phone number. |
Special Borrower Requirements
- Id - One of these must be present. If
is present, it take precedence overExternalId
Example: Borrower Record
"Mode": "create",
"ExternalId": "Borrower20231219A",
"FirstName": "Example",
"MiddleInit": "",
"LastName": "Borrower",
"NameSuffix": "Jr.",
"Email": "Sample20231219a@borrower.test",
"Address1": "123 Elm",
"Address2": "Suite C",
"City": "Dodge City",
"StateCode": "KS",
"ZipCode": "67801",
"PhonePrimary": "5555555123",
"PhoneSecondary": null
Fields: Brokers
For update operations, you can exclude fields that are not being updated.
Creating a new Broker automatically creates a Broker Account and associates it with the Broker as it's owner.
Field | Type | Required | Description |
Mode | String(6) | Yes | "create" , "update" , or "upsert" . |
IdNumber | String(64) | Special(Id) | A unique identifier used by the lender to refer to this record. Warning: This differs from other records, which use ExternalId instead. |
ThreadId | String(32) | Special(Id) | The RLS identifier used by the lender to refer to this record. |
BrokerDivisionThreadIds | Array of String(32) |
Special(Division) | A list of division identifiers. This controls which divisions this brokerage is available for. |
String(200) | Recommended | The email address of the brokerage contact. | |
NmlsNumber | String(64) | No | The NMLS number assigned to the brokerage. |
CompanyName | String(200) | No | The name of the brokerage company. |
OwnerName | String(500) | No | The full name of the owner for the brokerage. |
PhoneNumber | String(200) | No | The digits of the brokerage contact phone number. |
WebsiteUrl | String(2000) | No | The website of the brokerage. Please prefix this value with https:// or http:// . |
Address1 | String(200) | No | The mailing or physical address of the broker. |
Address2 | String(200) | No | The second line of the physical/mailing address. |
City | String(100) | No | The name of the city. |
StateCode | String(2) | No | The two-letter state abbreviation. |
ZipCode | String(10) | No | The 5 digit ZIP code. |
Contacts | Array of BrokerAccountPositionPair |
No | A list of zero or more brokerage contacts. |
Special Broker Account Requirements
Id - One of these must be present. If
is present, it take precedence overIdNumber
.Division - Not required for creation. If not given, the default lender division will be used. Do not pass as an empty array, use
Sub-Field Type: BrokerAccountPositionPair
Field | Type | Required | Description |
Mode | String(50) | Yes | "add" or "delete" . If it already exists, add is ignored. |
Account_ThreadId | String(6) | Special(Id) | Broker account thread identifier. |
Account_ExternalId | String(200) | Special(Id) | Broker account external identifier. |
PositionName | String(32) | Yes | Broker-specific (unrelated to lender positions). May be one of: "Owner" , "Loan Officer" , "Processor" . |
Example: Broker Record
"Mode": "create",
"IdNumber": "23121901",
"BrokerDivisionThreadIds": ["0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdeff","ffedcba9876543210fedcba9876543210"],
"Email": "Example20231219A@broker.test",
"NMLSNumber": "20231219",
"CompanyName": "Acme Broker",
"OwnerName": "Thomas Fakeman",
"PhoneNumber": "5555554545",
"WebsiteUrl": "https://www.acme-broker.test",
"Address1": "234 Cedar",
"Address2": "",
"City": "Olathe",
"StateCode": "KS",
"ZipCode": "66061",
"Contacts": [
"Mode": "add",
"Account_ExternalId": "LoanOfficerBrokerAcct20231219A",
"PositionName": "loan officer"
Fields: Broker Accounts
For update operations, you can exclude fields that are not being updated.
Field | Type | Required | Description |
Mode | String(6) | Yes | "create" , "update" , or "upsert" . |
ExternalId | String(200) | Special(Id) | A unique identifier used by the lender to refer to this record. |
ThreadId | String(32) | Special(Id) | The RLS identifier used by the lender to refer to this record. |
FirstName | String(200) | No | The first name. |
LastName | String(200) | No | The last name. |
MiddleInit | String(20) | No | The middle initials. |
NameSuffix | String(50) | No | A suffix used after the name (Dr., Jr., III) |
String(200) | Recommended | The email address used by the broker account. Important: This must be unique! |
Address1 | String(200) | No | The mailing or physical address of the broker account. |
Address2 | String(200) | No | The second line of the physical/mailing address. |
City | String(100) | No | The name of the city. |
StateCode | String(2) | No | The two-letter state abbreviation. |
ZipCode | String(10) | No | The 5 digit ZIP code. |
PhonePrimary | String(10) | No | The digits of the primary phone number. |
PhoneSecondary | String(10) | No | The digits of the secondary phone number. |
Special Broker Account Requirements
- Id - One of these must be present. If
is present, it take precedence overExternalId
Example: Broker Account Record
"Mode": "update",
"ExternalId": "BrokerAcct20231219A",
"FirstName": "Sally",
"MiddleInit": "S",
"LastName": "Brokerson",
"NameSuffix": null,
"Email": "Sample20231219a@broker.test",
"Address1": "5544 E Market Ln",
"Address2": "Suite C",
"City": "Ponca City",
"StateCode": "OK",
"ZipCode": "74601",
"PhonePrimary": "5555555009",
"PhoneSecondary": "5555555008"
Fields: Employees
For update operations, you can exclude fields that are not being updated.
Field | Type | Required | Description |
Mode | String(6) | Yes | "create" , "update" , or "upsert" . |
ExternalId | String(200) | Special(Id) | A unique identifier used by the lender to refer to this record. |
ThreadId | String(32) | Special(Id) | The RLS identifier used by the lender to refer to this record. |
DivisionThreadIds | Array of String(32) |
Special(Division) | A list of division identifiers. This controls which loans an employee has access to. |
FirstName | String(200) | No | The first name. |
LastName | String(200) | No | The last name. |
MiddleInit | String(20) | No | The middle initials. |
NameSuffix | String(50) | No | A suffix used after the name (Dr., Jr., III) |
String(200) | Recommended | The email address used by the lender employee. Important: This must be unique! |
Address1 | String(200) | No | The mailing or physical address of the employee. |
Address2 | String(200) | No | The second line of the physical/mailing address. |
City | String(100) | No | The name of the city. |
StateCode | String(2) | No | The two-letter state abbreviation. |
ZipCode | String(10) | No | The 5 digit ZIP code. |
PhonePrimary | String(10) | No | The digits of the primary phone number. |
PhoneSecondary | String(10) | No | The digits of the secondary phone number. |
Special Employee Requirements
Id - One of these must be present. If
is present, it take precedence overExternalId
.Division - Not required for creation. If not given, the default lender division will be used. Do not pass as an empty array, use
Example: Employee Record
"Mode": "create",
"DivisionThreadIds": ["11223344556677889900aabbccddeeff"],
"ExternalId": "Employee20231219A",
"FirstName": "Some",
"LastName": "Employee",
"Email": "20231219a@employee.test",
"Address1": "456 E Vine St",
"City": "Gering",
"StateCode": "NE",
"ZipCode": "69341",
"PhonePrimary": "5555555544"
Fields: Loans
Field | Type | Required | Description |
Mode | String(6) | Yes | "create" , "update" , or "upsert" . |
LoanNumber | String(50) | Special(Loan) | Loan number. |
ThreadId | String(32) | Special(Loan) | Loan thread identifier. |
DivisionThreadId | String(32) | Special(Division) | The division the loan is tied to. |
Address1 | String(200) | No | The physical address of the property. |
Address2 | String(200) | No | The second line of the property address. |
City | String(100) | No | The name of the city. |
StateCode | String(2) | No | The two-letter state abbreviation. |
ZipCode | String(10) | No | The 5 digit ZIP code. |
LoanTypeId | Integer | No | The loan type identifier. See loan type lookup for available values. |
AgencyId | Integer | No | The agency identifier. See agency lookup for available values. |
ClosingDate | DateTime | No | The closing date for the loan. |
CompletionDate | DateTime | No | The completion date for the loan. |
FHACaseNumber | String(50) | No | The FHA case number. |
BuildTerm | String(50) | No | The build term in months. |
ExternalLoanOfficer | String(100) | No | The external loan offficer. |
BranchNumber | String(50) | No | The branch number. |
FundedDate | DateTime | No | The loan funded date. |
ClosedOutWithInvestor | DateTime | No | The date the loan is closed out with the investor. |
FinalTitleUpdateDate | DateTime | No | The final title update date for the loan. |
TotalLoanAmount | Decimal | No | The total loan amount. |
LoanPurposeId | Integer | No | The loan purpose identifier. See loan purpose lookup for available values. |
LoanOccupancyId | Integer | No | The loan occupancy identifier. See loan occupancy lookup for available values. |
StructureTypeId | Integer | No | The structure type identifier. See structure type lookup for available values. |
LoanStatusId | Integer | No | The loan status identifier. See loan type status lookup for available values. |
WorkOrderDate | DateTime | No | The work date date for the loan. |
SorDate | DateTime | No | The SOR (Statement of Repairs) date for the loan. |
EstCompletionDate | DateTime | No | The estimated loan completion date. |
EscrowReasonRepairType | String(50) | No | The reason for repair type (free-form). E.g. "Home Fixer" , "Weather" |
EscrowFinalAppraisal | String(50) | No | The final appraisal type for the escrow (free-form). Recommended: "As-Is" , "Subject To" |
EscrowAppraisalMgmtCompany | String(200) | No | Name of the escrow appraisal management company. |
Special Loan Requirements
Loan - For new loans, only
should be given. For updates,ThreadId
takes precedence overLoanNumber
if it is present (that can be used to change the loan number).Division - For new loans, if not given, the default division for the lender is assigned to the loan. If supplied, must point to a valid division for the lender. For lenders with a single division, this can always be
. Do not pass an empty string!
Example: Loan Record
"Mode": "create",
"LoanNumber": "LOAN20231219A",
"DivisionThreadId": "a0b1c2d3e4f5061728394a5b6c7d8e9f",
"Address1": "8876 SW Wood Ct",
"City": "Dickinson",
"StateCode": "ND",
"ZipCode": "58601",
"LoanTypeId": 1,
"AgencyId": 1,
"ClosingDate": "2023-12-30T00:00:00",
"CompletionDate": null,
"FHACaseNumber": "FHA20231219A",
"BuildTerm": "0",
"BranchNumber": "0",
"ExternalLoanOfficer": "0",
"FundedDate": "2023-12-20T00:00:00",
"ClosedOutWithInvestor": null,
"FinalTitleUpdateDate": null,
"TotalLoanAmount": 0,
"LoanPurposeId": 1,
"LoanOccupancyId": 1,
"StructureTypeId": 1,
"LoanStatusId": 0,
"WorkOrderDate": null,
"SORDate": null,
"EstCompletionDate": null
Fields: Loan Positions
Field | Type | Required | Description |
Mode | String(6) | Yes | "add" or "delete" . If it already exists, add is ignored. |
Loan_ThreadId | String(32) | Special(Loan) | Loan thread identifier. |
Loan_Number | String(50) | Special(Loan) | Loan number. |
Account_ThreadId | String(32) | Special(Account) | Account thread identifier. |
Account_ExternalId | String(200) | Special(Account) | Account external identifier. |
PositionName | String(50) | Yes | Name of position being added/removed. See positions lookup file for valid values. |
Special Loan Positions Requirements
Loan - One, and only one, of these must be present.
Account - One, and only one, of these must be present.
Example: Loan Position Record
"Mode": "add",
"Loan_Number": "LOAN20231219A",
"Account_ExternalId": "Employee20231219A",
"PositionName": "AEA"
Fields: Loan Borrowers
Field | Type | Required | Description |
Mode | String(6) | Yes | "add" or "delete" . If it already exists, add is ignored. |
Loan_ThreadId | String(32) | Special(Loan) | Loan thread identifier. |
Loan_Number | String(50) | Special(Loan) | Loan number. |
Account_ThreadId | String(32) | Special(Account) | Account thread identifier. |
Account_ExternalId | String(200) | Special(Account) | Account external identifier. |
Special Loan Borrower Requirements
Loan - One, and only one, of these must be present.
Account - One, and only one, of these must be present.
Example: Loan Borrower Record
"Mode": "add",
"Loan_Number": "LOAN20231219A",
"Account_ExternalId": "Borrower20231219A"
Fields: Loan Brokers
Field | Type | Required | Description |
Mode | String(6) | Yes | "add" or "delete" . If it already exists, the loan officer / additional contacts will be updated. |
Loan_ThreadId | String(32) | Special(Loan) | Loan thread identifier. |
Loan_Number | String(50) | Special(Loan) | Loan number. |
Broker_ThreadId | String(32) | Special(Broker) | Broker thread identifier. |
Broker_IdNumber | String(64) | Special(Broker) | Broker identifier. |
LoanOfficer_AccountThreadId | String(32) | Special(LoanOfficer) | Broker loan officer account thread identifier. Must be a broker-type account. |
LoanOfficer_AccountExternalId | String(200) | Special(LoanOfficer) | Broker loan officer account external identifier. Must be a broker-type account. |
AdditionalContacts | Array ofBrokerAccountPositionPair |
No | List of zero or more additional contacts. Do not supply with "delete" mode. |
Special Loan Broker Requirements
Loan - One, and only one, of these must be present.
Broker - One, and only one, of these must be present.
LoanOfficer - Not required, but only one of these two strings should be given and not both (
takes precedence over the other if both are present. Do not supply with"delete"
Sub-Field Type: BrokerAccountPositionPair
Field | Type | Required | Description |
Mode | String(50) | Yes | "add" or "delete" . If it already exists, add is ignored. |
Account_ThreadId | String(6) | Special(Id) | Broker account thread identifier. |
Account_ExternalId | String(200) | Special(Id) | Broker account external identifier. |
PositionName | String(32) | Yes | Broker-specific (unrelated to lender positions). May be one of: "Owner" , "Loan Officer" , "Processor" . |
Example 1: Loan Broker Record Add
"Mode": "add",
"Loan_Number": "LOAN20231219A",
"Broker_IdNumber": "23121901",
"LoanOfficer_AccountExternalId": "BrokerAcct20231219A",
"AdditionalContacts": [
"Mode": "add",
"Account_ExternalId": "BrokerAcct20231219B",
"PositionName": "Processor"
Example 2: Loan Broker Record Delete
"Mode": "delete",
"Loan_Number": "LOAN20231219A",
"Broker_IdNumber": "23121901"
Processed Files
The most recently processed file will follow the convention supplied_name.last.ext
Earlier / older files will follow supplied_name.timestamp.ext
The timestamp format is "yyyyMMddhhmmssfff"
. It consists of a 4-digit year, 2-digit month, 2-digit day, 2-digit "military" hour (00-23), 2-digit minute, 2-digit second, and 3 digit millisecond. All these numbers are zero-padded.
Example processed filenames for "borrowers.json"
(most recent)"borrowers.20231222070016329.json"
Empty pickup files (0 byte or whitespace only) will be discarded without creating a result file or being copied to the processed directory.
Result Files
The output result file format is uniform, regardless of what type of data was imported.
Field | Type | Description |
Id | Integer | Bulk load identifier. Unique per each file operation. |
PickupName | String | Name the file was assigned in the pickup directory. Blank unless Source is "SFTP" . |
ProcessedName | String | Name of file in the processed directory. Blank unless Source is "SFTP" . |
Source | String | Should be "SFTP" . Note: Bulk Web API operation uses "API" . |
StartedAt | DateTime | When import started. |
EndedAt | DateTime | When import ended/finished. |
ErrorMessage | String | Set if a problem occurs reading/parsing the data. This being non-null indicates the pickup file is malformed or corrupt. |
NumCreateSuccess | Integer | Number of created records successfully processed (create/update modes). |
NumUpdateSuccess | Integer | Number of updated records successfully processed (create/update modes). |
NumAddSuccess | Integer | Number of added records successfully processed (add/delete modes). |
NumDeleteSuccess | Integer | Number of deleted records successfully processed (add/delete modes). |
NumCreateSuccess | Integer | Number of creation failures (create/update modes). |
NumUpdateFailure | Integer | Number of update failures (create/update modes). |
NumAddFailure | Integer | Number of addition failures (add/delete modes). |
NumDeleteFailure | Integer | Number of deletion failures (add/delete modes). |
NumModeFailure | Integer | Number of failures due to use of an unsupported or invalid mode. |
Problems | Array of Problem |
List of zero or more problems found when processing the records. If this is empty, no errors or rejections occurred. |
Sub-Output Type: Problem
Field | Type | Description |
Index | Integer | Index of entry in the source/imported list. Starts at 0 . |
Message | String | Error or record rejection message. |
Example: Output File Contents
"Id": 123,
"PickupName": "borrowers.json",
"ProcessedName": "borrowers.202312201300.json",
"Source": "SFTP",
"StartedAt": "2023-12-20T02:30:00.161Z",
"EndedAt": "2023-12-20T02:30:02.770Z",
"ErrorMessage": null,
"NumCreateSuccess": 20,
"NumUpdateSuccess": 2,
"NumAddSuccess": 0,
"NumDeleteSuccess": 0,
"NumCreateFailure": 0,
"NumUpdateFailure": 1,
"NumAddFailure": 0,
"NumDeleteFailure": 0,
"NumModeFailure": 0,
"Problems": [
"Index": 1,
"Message": "No borrower for supplied ExternalId exists."
In the example above, the second entry (Index
starts at 0) was an attempted update to a non-existent borrower.
Last Updated 2024-05-03, 3:00 PM CDT.